Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 4: Passing Sueno Bank

4/20/2010, Tuesday, 1700 Zulu, Lat. 15 7.9 N, Long. 080 49.9 W, Day 4

The wind got light yesterday in the afternoon, so we started the engine at 1545 and ran it for 3 ½ hours. We needed to charge the batteries, made water, charged laptops, fridge and freezer. Yes, Terry is such a techno wiz, (a computer programmer in his former life) has two laptops with two navigation software programs: Noveltech and SeaClear II. The first one covers all the charts to the Yucatan Channel, the later one has all the charts in Gulf of Mexico including Galveston.

We also keep an hourly log of our positions, SOG (Speed Over Ground), COG (Course Over Ground), TWS (True Wind Speed), and TWA (True Wind Angle). That way, if any of the electronics failed, we can plot our position the old fashion way using DR (Dead Reckoning) and celestial navigation.

The wind came back up to 8 knots and we put Montie to work again. He behaved like a true gentleman and held Living Water fast and true at a rhumb line course toward Sueno. He worked particularly well because Terry had just given him a good dose of silicone spray to grease his gears.

Lunch was ceviche with red onion and stacks of whole wheat crackers and baby carrots. Didn’t feel much like cooking last night because I missed my nap during off hours to teach and study celestial navigation. Dinner was a quick Wahoo Fish Corn Chowder with Ramen Noodles.

At night the sea was calm and the breeze was steady. We have to check for traffic hourly by using radar or just scan the horizon. If we find something on the radar or by eyesight, we can track them by using EBL (Electronic Bearing Line) and VRM (Variable Range Marker) features on the scope to see where and how far they move. It is a good exercise to keep us safe from collision.

Woke up to my 0300 watch and see we have just passed our first leg of the trip. Sueno Bank was 3 nm to port. I poured a couple of shots of SMS and toasted with Terry for our good voyage so far. Those of you that sailed with me in the old “Picante” days will know Terry doesn’t drink. Boy, he has come a long way.

Thank you for all of your support and e-mails. It is not possible to answer you all until I am back on shore. But a particular thank you to Nancy (Irene’s sister in Australia) for her fish recipes. She has done years of cruising with her husband Norman and knows how to cook Wahoo deliciously.

Our last 24 hours noon-to-noon run was 124.4 nm. Our next waypoint is the Grand Cayman 357 nm away.


  1. Enjoying reports. Keep them up. Take lots of pictures. Envious of good food on board, esp the
    fresh sashimi. Try brining chicken for cooking later. Use 1 Tblspn salt/1 L H2O. Then add spices
    like rosemary & Herbs du Provence. Be safe. - Andy Chan

  2. Hey Dad,
    wow, I can't believe you're up at 4:30am, how do you do that, it seems so tiring, gald to hear that you guys are progressing with the nautical miles.
    Everything is going well out here, still preparing for my half marathon next saturday may 1st. Erin graduates from dental hygiene school this saturday so we're going to have a luncheon with her family after the dante club
    ceremony, should be fun. talk to you later dad, love you.

  3. Hey Frank, It sounds like your moving along even if it's slower that you'd like.
    It seems like your eating like kings though. Smooth seas, great food, it almost makes me wish I was there. We had Irene over for left-over spaghetti before choir last night. She
    misses you but is doing fine. I think she and Twanet are going to a movie some night this week. Also we may do some bike riding this
    weekend. It's been fun checking your progress. Have fun, be safe and let's hope for some breeze for you! Take care..... Mike
    Bark less, wag more!......

  4. Hey Frank
    How about a Cajun spice mix to top some of your Wahoo with a Orange/Lemon, Butter and Parsley sauce. I am sure you would have the necessary spices on board. Fabulous with wahoo. It was one fish that we did catch on our travels and made excellent curry as well.

    I am loving your emails and have checked out Terry's site (including his original photos of going through the canal). I still have to get Norman to have a look at your emails, but will sit him down tonight to show him. I am sure he will be impressed with the Sextant experience (probably even more so that you were not necessarily successful first time round).
    Nancy Chisholm
