The next day, after our usual big breakfast, we sent Ming to meet On Punk at the bus terminal but On Punk already showed up at the hotel with 30 lbs of honey in a plastic jug. It was a gift for Amy and I to take back to American. I thanked him deeply but have to decline the wonderful gesture and told him the U.S. Department of Agricultural will not let it in. Besides, I have the sweetest honey waiting for me back home. (This one is for the consumption of Irene). Chi Keung took a bus back to Hong Kong to take care of some personal stuff that same afternoon. I took the opportunity to get know On Punk and Amy to catch-up with all the gossips back in Lianghua for the last 22 years. (On Punk, of course, had to talk fast). On Punk was such a kind and sincere person. Knowing he grew up in such backward village, I thought those stately dinner we had at Qingning would impressed him. I could not be more wrong as he told me later he rather had simple food back home. I also found out he was a ping pong player and had his own government sponsor team back in Lianghua.
I had also spent some quality time with my cousin Tao Sun, whom was trained as a doctor during the Cultural Revolution. He had shared many heart warming stories about the hardship he had to endure during that time and how little pay he received as a doctor, a far cry compared to his western counterparts. I also showed him scanned old photos he and his dad sent to my dad back in the 70’s and 80’s. He was overcome with joy and emotional when I gave the slideshow on my laptop. I only wished my Xingning style Hakka dialect was better. For my ears and brain was working overtime trying to understand him.
Now I look forward more than ever to reading the family history book when it’s finished, to learn firsthand what everyone’s experience had been when they were in China.